Charities & Communities
Property advice
We provide advice on setting an appropriate level of rental income from surplus accommodation and realising maximum proceeds from property that is no longer required. We are frequently instructed to prepare valuations to satisfy the requirements of the Charities Act.
Business rates
There are a number of opportunities for community use providers and landlords to mitigate business rate liabilities for community establishments. We work with clients to advise on rating and minimise their liabilities.
We provide planning services to community use clients, advising religious establishments on the potential to unlock the value of their assets to assist funding improvements. This involves formulating clear planning strategies to deliver, for example, enabling development and new facilities on sensitive sites within the Green Belt, conservation areas and sites containing Listed Buildings.
We assemble a full design team including architects, transport, heritage, landscape and other consultants to provide a robust and comprehensive planning application for our clients. Our approach is to engage proactively with the local planning authority and key stakeholders to support local decisions and we help run public consultation and exhibitions where necessary.
Charities & Communities
Sectors we work with
We work with businesses, charities, high net worth individuals and public sector organisations across a range of sectors to navigate the complexities of property and planning consultancy.
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